Vote for the best verboticism.

'Help! There's something in the fridge!'

DEFINITION: n., Mutated leftovers which, unattended inside an evil-minded fridge, have transformed themselves into an extremely odorous, alternate life form. v., To save food past it's freshness date and watch it grow into something new.

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Created by: Dougalistic

Pronunciation: Grub-linz

Sentence: Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little pie like this can turn into a thousand ugly grublins?' Well, you see, this is before it enters the pupal stage.'The pupal stage?' Yeah, right. Plus it multiplies the other food in the fridge.' Aw, Christ!' Brent give the kid some food.' I wouldn't do that, Sheriff.'

Etymology: Gremlins - horrible, ugly little creatures that are about as tall as a dog and as annoying as your mother in law. Grub - Food, can refer to a quick snack or meal.


gets my vote for the sentence alone! - galwaywegian, 2008-02-01: 07:41:00

Who you gonna call? Grublin busters in cowbow boots? Yep. They use grub stakes! Funcreation! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-01: 09:15:00

oops ... make that cowboy boots in the above ... darn my typos ... wish it has been the typo cowbox boots! Your word is such a hoot to play with! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-01: 09:16:00

Any words linked to "mother-in-laws" in this way is always good. Cool Word. - sean30, 2008-02-01: 15:09:00

Luv the sentence & words-I think this is where my local grubbery gets its meat pies! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-01: 16:10:00

lol! such grubby little critters... but fun! - bananabender, 2008-02-03: 08:59:00


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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Left-o-volution

Sentence: Jane was always tired and overworked, leaving take out dinner remnants and other food detritus to populate her fridge, until one day it happened: the slime layer had undergone leftovolution and acquired motile capacity. She felt a strange sense of ownership, or responsibility for this fresh new life, and regretted the thought of using bleach.

Etymology: Left-over: food not eaten and saved for later. Evolution: the development of more adaptive traits through a process of natural selection.


metrohumanx Great word! Creepy story. - metrohumanx, 2008-12-01: 00:27:00

And then there were four! It's an Australian invasion :-) - emdeejay, 2008-12-01: 03:03:00

Good word...Viva La Leftovolution! - Nosila, 2008-12-01: 22:16:00

Eggzelent! - Mustang, 2008-12-02: 06:09:00


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Created by: mandy

Pronunciation: mold i gans

Sentence: Those damn moldigans got my sauce!!

Etymology: Mold + hooligans

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: ex/tra/tur/key/es/tree/al

Sentence: There has been an extraturkeyestrial lurking in my fridge since Thanksgiving. It has now grown to twice it's original size and has changed colour but because of it's glow I'm saving money on a fridge light.

Etymology: extra turkey + extraterrestrial


out of this world funny - from the word to the sentence to the etymology -- great create! - silveryaspen, 2008-12-01: 11:32:00

metrohumanx Scary like a B-movie, yet practical and green. Like it! - metrohumanx, 2008-12-01: 13:51:00

Great idea for saving money, I'll have to try it,times are hard!! Good word - TJayzz, 2008-12-01: 20:59:00

Love it - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-03: 03:17:00


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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: rhymes with genetic mutation

Sentence: Barb was so tired of cooking after the big feast, that she started dining out every night. She would bring leftovers home and put them in the fridge quickly so as not to have to see the developing compost pile that awaited her. When the smell of the leftover Chinese food, mingled with the rancid lunchmeat and the liquified cucumber finally escaped the confines of the fridge, she tied a scarf around her face with some dryer sheets tucked in the fold, donned elbow length gloves and braced her self for the freneticfutation that almost convinced her to abandon her home.

Etymology: Based on genetic mutation, but changed to frenetic to imply a crazy pace and futation to get the idea of food in there.


metrohumanx The vivid images this invokes makes it hard to keep this one down. People often ignore the "liquified cucumber" least favorite discard. Great story, Nu! - metrohumanx, 2008-12-01: 14:07:00

eww gross, but a great word!! - mweinmann, 2008-12-02: 10:23:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: fur - MEN - truh - mentz

Sentence: When Sadie opened the fridge door the awful odor that emanated signaled a large quantity of fermentriments had taken over.

Etymology: Mix of fermented and nutriments


Nice word combo! I hope my milk doesn't fermentriment!!! - Dougalistic, 2008-02-01: 05:58:00

Fermentriments are enough to drive me to drink! Interesting creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-01: 09:23:00

wow if i thought of that my head would explod.............................................................................kiding - purpleman, 2008-02-01: 14:59:00

kidding - purpleman, 2008-02-01: 14:59:00

Nice word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-02: 16:42:00

Nice ring to it! - bananabender, 2008-02-03: 07:41:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Fest-er-ie-st

Sentence: When Julie returned from her two week holiday in Greece, she noticed a foul smell eminating from her kitchen. Realising it was coming from the fridge, she gingerly opened the door. To her horror, there, lying on a plate was a thick lump of green mould she wasn't sure what it started out as but she had a funny feeling that she had forgotten to throw away the leftover curry that she had half eaten the night before she went away. The whole thing had festericed into a completely new life form. She knew she had to get rid of it quick before it began to form some sort of intelligence, so she scooped it into a bag and threw it into the incinerator.

Etymology: Fester(of food,become rotten, perish) + Iced(chilled. cool)


metrohumanx Burn 'em or blast 'em...that's the only way to kill 'em.....How about blue cheese? Is it alive or what? - metrohumanx, 2008-12-01: 14:01:00


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Created by: Haydon

Pronunciation: Bio-mu-tan-ey

Sentence: The biomutaney has came alive at its first sight of daylight, wanted it as its own.

Etymology: bio-life mutaney-mix up

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: ex/tra/tur/key/es/tree/al

Sentence: There has been an extraturkeyestrial lurking in my fridge since Thanksgiving. It has now grown to twice it's original size and has changed colour but because of it's glow I'm saving money on a fridge light.

Etymology: extra turkey + extraterrestrial


who's gobbling now hahahahaha. Great word - galwaywegian, 2008-02-01: 06:15:00

Roared with laughter ... evokes so many thoughts from given a whole new meaning to being Turksih or being a Turkey ... or even if there's a planet Turkey named after the country ... or it's people? This word boggles the imagination! I like it! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-01: 08:45:00

A great word - im sure ET looks nothing like the image you created!! - sean30, 2008-02-01: 15:05:00

I think it's time for it to turkey off! Crazy, creative word ! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-01: 15:43:00

You'd better put a lock on your fridge door or you could end up with an astral-nomical phone bill! Great word! - bananabender, 2008-02-03: 09:53:00


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Created by: DaddyNewt

Pronunciation: left/OV/er/lordz

Sentence: I, for one, welcome our new turkey tetrazzini leftoverlords.

Etymology: leftover + overlord

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-02-01: 01:25:00
Today's definition was suggested by bananabender. Thank you bananabender. ~ James

Dougalistic - 2008-02-01: 06:50:00
Something smells fishy around here.

silveryaspen - 2008-02-01: 16:05:00
Great definition. Really motivated and inspired some of the funniest sentences and verboticisms of the week! :-)

bananabender - 2008-02-03: 04:00:00
Great cartoon James! The details are a hoot... the bite out of the drumstick, stuffed olives as eyes, and wings mutated into a two-headed monster. Funny! You've inspired me to submit more ideas for you to develop and take to the nth degree!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-02-05: 15:53:00
Thank you Bananabender! I was definitely inspired by your words -- the evil-minded fridge is brilliant! ~ James

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-12-01: 01:03:00

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-04-21: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by bananabender. Thank you bananabender. ~ James